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The Cold War (2)


Today you are going to use the third book of the subject. You will have to makes diagrams. You have to send the results on Monday. If you want you can do the diagrams with photos… 🙂

the cold war by on @DeviantArt | Dibujos ...


  1. Make a diagram about the creation of the two blocks (page 6)
  2. Make a diagram about political systems (page 8)
  3. Make a diagram about economies of the two blocs (page 9)
  4. Make a diagram of the societies of the two blocs (page 10)
  5. You can watch the video about Pop Art. Do you like, why?
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The Cold War

Send the activities on Monday


  1. Who were the two competing powers of the Cold War, and what did they each want?
  2. What was behind the “Iron Curtain”, according to Winston Churchill?
  3. Why did the USA drop the first atomic bomb, and what was the consequence of this?
  4. Where did the Cold War start and how was it “fought”?
  5. How was the strategy of “containment” used by the US?
  6. What was the nuclear arms race, and what was so dangerous about it?
  7. Where and how did the Cold War get “hot”?
  8. What were the three “worlds” and why don’t we use those terms now?
  9. What were some problems with Soviet communism that led to its downfall?
  10. How did Mikhail Gorbachev help end the Cold War?
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Peace, the creation of the UN and decolonisation


Today you have to read pages 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91. Send the activities on Thursday.

  1. Describe the differences between the Yalta Conference and the Postdam Conference.
  2. Define the UN. What are its objetives?
  3. Watch the video about the Nuremberg Trials. What happened in the Nuremberg Trials?
  4. Which countries became the new superpowers after the Second World War? Why?
  5. Why was the world divided into two spheres of influence?
  6. Look to the map on page 89. What happened with Germany and Berlin?
  7. Define decolonisation and neo-colonialism.
Jackson Pollock, 1950

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Black lives matter

Week One-Part 1 | Bella2Belle
Faith Ringgold


«The civil rights movement (also known as the American civil rights movement and other terms) in the United States was a decades-long struggle by African Americans to end legalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and racial segregation in the United States. The movement has its origins in the Reconstruction era during the late 19th century, although the movement achieved its largest legislative gains in the mid-1960s after years of direct actions and grassroots protests. The social movement’s major nonviolent resistance campaigns eventually secured new protections in federal law for the human rights of all Americans.» (Wikipedia)

  1. Today you have to look for information about the following people and briefly explain why they are important to the civil rights movement: Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Faith Ringgold, Beyonce, and George Floyd. You don’t have to copy his biography you only have to explain why they are important to the Civil Rights Movement.
  2. Send the activity on Monday.

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The Holocaust

If you go to pages 84, 85 and 86 you will find information about economy and society during the wartime. For me the most impressive is the Holocaust for sure so we will work about it.

Probably you remember that I asked to read a book about it: Maus. You don´t have to read it now so you have a video about it:


  1. Read page 86.
  2. Watch the movie Night and Fog. Answer the questions, send them on Thursday.
  3. What is the movie about?
  4. With what does the narrator compare the concentration camps?
  5. What happen to the people when they arrived to the concentration camps?
  6. Make a brief description of a concentration camp
  7. Why do you think that the movie is like a poem?
  8. Write your personal opinion about the movie

Night and Fog from UMSchoolOfCommunication on Vimeo.

Cortometraje documental: Noche y niebla (1955, Alain Resnais) VOSE from Neuromante on Vimeo.

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The formation of opposing sides and the development of the war

Today you have to answer some questions about the Second World War. You have all the information in your book. Read pages between 76 and 83. You have to send the activities on Tuesday. Here you have a lot of maps and a video too.

Archivo:EUROPE 1929-1938 POLITICAL MAP-es.svg - Wikipedia, la ...
  1. Make a table showing countries that fought in the Second World War in two columns: Axis and Allies.
  2. Why did Spain declared itself neutral? What was the Blue Division?
  3. What two pacts did Germany sign that related to the USSR? How did Germany break the pact with the USSR?
  4. Why Churchill wanted to keep Spain out of the war?
  5. What were the blitzkrieg and scorched earth tactics?
  6. Write a list of the countries invaded by Germany
  7. To what extent do you think that the German attack of the USSR and the Japonese attack on Pearl Harbor were mistakes? Justify your answer.
  8. Read the text about the occupation of France (80). Make a fact file with these headings: dates of occupation, territorial división, leader, capital and date of liberation.
  9. What happen in the Battle of Stalingrad? (82)
  10. What happen in the Conference of Tehran? Which was the consequence?
  11. Do you think it was necessary to drop atomic bombs in Hiroshima?
WWII Europa | Wwii maps, Europe map, United states history
Third Reich - “Peaceful” annexations | Britannica
Pin en Montford Point Marines and Honor
Archivo:France map Lambert-93 with regions and departments ...
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The Second World War and Decolonisation


The most important consequences of the First World War was the Second World War. Today we are going to study deeply the causes of that war. You only have to read the book but perhaps you will learn more with the videos.

You have to read pages 76 and 77 and answers the questions. Send the answers on Friday.

Map of German Expansion just before WWII | Mapa historico ...


  1. Why German and Italy were unhappy?
  2. Why the governments adopted protectionists measures?
  3. Why German, Italy and Japan develop their expansionist policy?
  4. During the Civil War in Spain Great Britain and England didn’t to the Spanish Republic. Thy tolerated too the territorial expansion of Italy and Germany. Why do you think they decided to make that appeasement policy?
  5. What happen with the League of Nation?
  6. What was the Anschluss?
  7. What happen during the Munich Conference?
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Guernica today


Today we have an art class. Here you an important painting and an explanation about it by Paloma Esteban Leal.

And here you have more info:

«An accurate depiction of a cruel, dramatic situation, Guernica was created to be part of the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exposition in Paris in 1937. Pablo Picasso’s motivation for painting the scene in this great work was the news of the German aerial bombing of the Basque town whose name the piece bears, which the artist had seen in the dramatic photographs published in various periodicals, including the French newspaper L’Humanité. Despite that, neither the studies nor the finished picture contain a single allusion to a specific event, constituting instead a generic plea against the barbarity and terror of war. The huge picture is conceived as a giant poster, testimony to the horror that the Spanish Civil War was causing and a forewarning of what was to come in the Second World War. The muted colours, the intensity of each and every one of the motifs and the way they are articulated are all essential to the extreme tragedy of the scene, which would become the emblem for all the devastating tragedies of modern society.
Guernica has attracted a number of controversial interpretations, doubtless due in part to the deliberate use in the painting of only greyish tones. Analysing the iconography in the painting, one Guernica scholar, Anthony Blunt, divides the protagonists of the pyramidal composition into two groups, the first of which is made up of three animals; the bull, the wounded horse and the winged bird that can just be made out in the background on the left. The second group is made up of the human beings, consisting of a dead soldier and a number of women: the one on the upper right, holding a lamp and leaning through a window, the mother on the left, wailing as she holds her dead child, the one rushing in from the right and finally the one who is crying out to the heavens, her arms raised as a house burns down behind her.
At this point it should be remembered that two years earlier, in 1935, Picasso had done the etching Minotauromaquia, a synthetic work condensing into a single image all the symbols of his cycle dedicated to the mythological creature, which stands as Guernica’s most direct relative.
Incidents in Picasso’s private life and the political events afflicting Europe between the wars fused together in the motifs the painter was using at the time, resulting both in Guernica itself and all the studies and ‘postscripts’, regarded as among the most representative works of art of the 20th century». Link


  1. Choose one of the figures that appear in the painting. Try to draw it.
  2. Make a drawing of a kind of Guernica with one of the photos. Are you ready?
Novedades de Tabasco | Siria: 10 años sangrientos
La Guerra de Siria en mil palabras | Seguridad

Send the results before Monday

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The Spanish Civil War

Good morning!

The last week you were working about the Second Spanish Republic. You know that after the Republic we lived a hard civil war between Republicans and Nationalists led by General Franco. It tool place between 1936 an 1939 and the Republic was replaced by a peculiar and hard dictatorship.

The Nationalist got the support of Nazy Germany and Fascist Italy but the international support of the Republicans wasn’t really good.

You have activities and a video about the war in spanish.

Send the activities before Friday.

Guerra Civil Española: ¿una guerra de mujeres? | Todos los ...


You will have to make a diagram using words and drawings. Make it visual, if you don´t want to use your drawings perhaps you can use photos. You have all the contents in the book (pages 66 and 67). To make the diagram follow this index.


Part 1: Reasons or problems for the outbreak of the war

Part 2: Two sides and international support (Republicans and Nationalist)

Part 3: The development of the war.

Part 4: Characteristics of the two zones (Republican zone and Nationalist zone)

Part 5: The consequences of the civil war

3- FASES DA GUERRA CIVIL - Historia, Xeografía e Arte
In this map you can see how the Nationalist controlled the territory.

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The Second Spanish Republic


Hoy os dejo un documental muy interesante que recorre la historia de España desde la dictadura de Primo de Rivera hasta la Segunda República. Os dejo algunas preguntas para enviar el martes 19 de mayo. Lee las preguntas y luego ves el documental. Ya sé que es muy largo pero son poquitas preguntas y se centran en la Segunda República. El lunes no habrá tarea.

The Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona, 2010.jpg
El pabellón alemán en la Exposición Universal de Barcelona en 1929


  1. ¿Quién fue Francesc Maciá?
  2. ¿Qué dos acontecimientos tienes lugar en 1929?
  3. ¿Qué fue la dictablanda?
  4. ¿Qué supuso la sublevación de Jaca?
  5. ¿Qué ocurrió en las elecciones municipales de 12 de abril?
  6. ¿Por qué cae la monarquía?
  7. La Segunda República va a tener tres fases ¿Cuáles son? Puedes ayudarte con el libro (páginas 64 y 65)
  8. ¿Cuáles son las características de la constitución de 1931?
  9. ¿Qué reformas se hicieron durante el Bienio Reformista (1931-1933? Puedes ayudarte con el libro (página 64)
  10. ¿A qué se denomina «gimnasia revolucionaria»?
  11. ¿Qué objetivo tenía la Reforma Agraria?
  12. ¿Qué suponía el Estatuto Catalán?
  13. ¿Qué partidos ganaron las elecciones de 1933?.
  14. ¿Cuándo se funda Falange Española? ¿Qué ejemplos crees que sigue?
  15. ¿Qué ocurrió en Asturias y Cataluña en 1934? ¿Por qué?
  16. ¿Cuál era el objetivo del Frente Popular?
  17. ¿A dónde se destina al general Franco? ¿Por qué?

Como puedes ver España se estaba preparando para una guerra civil pues las ideologías se estaban radicalizando. En las elecciones de febrero de 1936 los partidos de centro solo obtuvieron un 5%.